Sunday, September 8, 2013

Arrivals... There Goes The Neighborhood

In history there are numerous examples of settlers moving into an area a group of humans already inhabited. The new group often has an effect on the original group’s environment, ways of life, and perceptive, although they are often resistant to the change of their culture. This idea of arrivals and change is a constant theme in life; it can be applied to many famous stories, or daily life. We all know how explorers come to the New World, and found Native Americans living here in harmony with nature in an old fashioned manner, if not more primitive and savage like. The explorers changed their way of life, and founded what we now called The United States of America.
While that particular example had a big historical affect, there are more common local examples to examine. America is a good example of this constant change, since its population is made up of immigrants from all over the world. There are times in history when one culture was more popular than another. This merger of cultures has helped the United States be the place it is today.
My community is also known as one of the most diverse in Chicago, since Chicago is very segregated. While we are very diverse, there has been more of an African American population moving in. My community was never exactly safe all the time, but there is more resistance to carelessly be on the streets late at night due to the growing teenagers hanging out, not guarding, but being the ones one must guard themselves against. It’s not because of their heritage that many feel this way, since many young Hispanic boys join them, but because of the way they present themselves; they wear saggy pants, often exposing their underwear, snapbacks, sometimes they wear shirts, and they always occupy the entire sidewalk hanging out, without a motive, or on their bikes, making it awkward to pass by them, stepping on lawns, or pass through them. This is changing my community by the way many perceive it, and how safe they feel on the streets, at any time of the day.
-Little Miss Writer

1 comment:

  1. Ashley, I really liked your piece! I love how easily you compared the modern world's changing neighborhoods to what happened with the Indians with the Europeans. I really like your word choice, it was very interesting to read and I really liked your descriptions about the boys in the streets. I feel the same it so awkward and sometimes scary to pass by them!
